The Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga (The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali)
Yama: Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha.
Niyama: Saucha, Santosha, Tapas, Svadhyaya, Ishvara Pranidhana. Asana.
Pranayama. Pratyahara. Dharana.
Dhyana. Samadhi.
Seven Steps of Hatha Yoga (Gheranda Samhita)
Satkriya (Six ways of purification), Asana (position), Mudra (psychic gesture), Pratyahara (liberation of the mind from the power of feelings and external objects), Pranayama (energy control
through breathing), Dhyana (meditation), Samadhi (a state of superconsciousness, resulting from deep meditation, when the subject merges with the object of meditation).
Chakras (energy centers)
- undeveloped, they appear as small luminous balls about five centimeters in diameter.
This is how they look in a normal person.
When the chakras begin to wake up, they increase in size and become like bright sparkling whirlwinds - like little suns:
Practicing the Shatkarmas or the Six Cleansing Methods
Jala neti (cleansing the nose) with salt water.
Basti is an intense lower lock practice.
Agnishar - cleansing the digestive tract.
Sanchalan nauli - massage of the abdominal organs.
Trataka is an unblinking gaze.
Kapalabhati - cleansing and healing the frontal lobes of both hemispheres of the brain.
- physical locks that compress and contract certain parts of the body.
They are associated with holding the breath and focusing on specific areas of the body.
Apart from the physical influence, the bandhas also cause profound psychic and mental changes in the human being:
Jalandhara bandha is the throat lock.
Uddiyana bandha - abdominal lock.
Mula bandha is the root lock.
Maha Bandha - The Great Castle.
- a method of improving the constitution of your pranic body, your physical body, as well as your mind.
Pranayama deals with the elimination of blocks in the energy channels (nadis) so that the energy flows freely and without interference:
Anuloma Viloma.
Nadi Shodhana.
Murchha pranayama.
- special positions of the body that cause certain physiological, mental and mental changes in the human being:
Aram mudra.
Chin is wise.
Jnana is wise.
Manduki is wise.
Maha is wise.
Tadagi is wise.
Viparita karani mudra.
Sambhavi is wise.
Nasikagra is wise.
Learn the best meditation techniques, learn about the obstacles to meditation, learn concentration and meditation: simple understanding, pre-concentration, mindfulness, stages of reflection,
insight, contemplation and many other meditation techniques.
Asanas and yoga practices
when the body is cleansed, it should be strengthened and balanced.
This goal is achieved through the practice of asanas - all the asanas that are contained in the course are described in detail with the group of positions, the place of concentration of attention,
the technique of execution, special attention, opposition, benefits and contraindications.
Rules of nutrition in yoga and yogic diet
Five food groups the body needs.
Nadis (psychic channels)
- conducting paths along which prana or bioplasmic energy moves:
Complex "Surya Namaskar"
- fully balanced solar complex.